quarta-feira, 7 de julho de 2010


A top Daria Werbowy será a estrela da campanha de Yves Saint Laurent, para o outono/inverno 2010. As fotos foram tiradas dentro do Hotel de Clermont-Tonnerre, em Paris, sob a direção criativa de Stefano Pilati. As imagens, em sua maioria em preto e branco, retratam um estilo bem sixties. A dupla Inez van Lamsweerde e Vinoodh Matadin, que fotografaram a bela, declararam, à Vogue UK: “...Models like Kate Moss and Daria are mature, they’re grown up, they’re women who have had a life and experience. For about five or six years now we haven’t shot anyone under 18 for that reason, but also for the fact that, we feel that the modelling business should not promote girls working under this age. They’re not out of school – they’re bodies haven’t developed yet and they don’t have a sense of self. Sometimes they haven’t had sex yet. It’s hard to project all these things on someone who hasn’t had that experience.” Concordo plenamente!

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